Monday, September 27, 2010

RequireJS 0.14.1 Released

RequireJS 0.14.1 is now available.

I just pushed a small update to fix three issues that dealt mostly with the new shortened anonymous module syntax used to wrap traditional CommonJS modules, and the converter tool for adding in the anonymous wrapper.

If you were using the regular RequireJS module format, with the dependencies specified outside the definition function, then you likely do not need to upgrade right away.

In fact, you may want to wait a couple days to see if there are any other updates. Given the newness of the anonymous module code and more people trying it with traditional CommonJS modules, I want to push out quicker releases to give those new users the best experience. I will be sure to mention if the update is recommended for all users.

There is one fix in this release for a type of deeply cyclic/circular dependency issue, but I believe it to be a rare issue for most current users. If 0.14.0 is working for you, then no need to try the latest version right away.

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